morris county photographer on small business ownership in nj

What does it take these days to get a potential client’s attention, then turning them into an actual client? Are other businesses finding more market saturation? There are so many ways to market to clients; social media alone has so many avenues, facebook, snapchat, instagram, reels, stories, etc. I have no idea about alot of it, and it’s constantly changing.

I was having lunch with a friend the other day and she asked me about my business. Yes, I’ve seen some struggles, I’ll be totally honest here. I’m a small business, there are alot of aspects that are difficult right now, finding the right employees, working with their needs, requirements and availability, marketing, website, growing a market in a shrinking economy, inflation, and saturation. I usually ‘stay in my lane’ in regards to what others with a similar career path are doing, however, she made it known that there are more newborn and maternity photographers now than when I started, and more and more studios keep popping up.

Another photographer had mentioned there’s a trend for at home newborn photography now, too.

I’m thinking…along with more options out there, aren’t there more people? I mean, Morristown Hospital labor and delivery delivers about 500 babies a month. Isn’t that enough babies to go around? I certainly can’t photograph them all.

I will keep plugging along at my business; we are currently offering a larger variety of packages to accommodate a variety of client needs as the climate is changing, I hope my company and my offerings can adapt to meet the needs of new parents.

I absolutely love doing what I do and I hope to keep it going. How is your small business doing?

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